
[PRNewswire] Casio to Release Re-creation of First-Ever G-SHOCK

더모스트타임즈 | 기사입력 2024/11/28 [10:19]

[PRNewswire] Casio to Release Re-creation of First-Ever G-SHOCK

더모스트타임즈 | 입력 : 2024/11/28 [10:19]

[PRNewswire] Casio to Release Re-creation of First-Ever G-SHOCK

TOKYO Nov. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced today the release of the latest addition to the G-SHOCK family of shock-resistant watches. The new DW-5000R re-creates the very first G-SHOCK released in 1983, DW-5000C, with meticulous faithfulness.

The launch of G-SHOCK back in 1983 ushered in an entirely new genre of toughness in wristwatch design, bringing watches into demanding environments such as construction sites and intense sports. Casio has continued to deliver innovative products and services, changing people's lives and making the world a better place.

In honor of the occasion, Casio returned to the origins of G-SHOCK, which created an all-new market category for watches, with the desire to see the G-SHOCK brand once again create a new watch category. The result, the DW-5000R, a more faithful reproduction of DW-5000C than any other limited-edition revival of the past,[1] establishes this re-creation of the very first G-SHOCK as a standard in the Casio lineup.

[1] Past releases of limited-edition models for G-SHOCK anniversaries such as the DW-5040

The band reproduces the original DW-5000C design not only in length, but in the unevenness of the area around the band holes and even in the position of the dimples.[2] The top surface, displaying the "PROTECTION" and "G-SHOCK" letterings, features the original bezel's flat design, and the red, blue, and yellow coloring replicates the original face design. The intense focus on evoking the look of the original extends to the most subtle details, including the stainless-steel center case and screw-lock case back engraved with the phrase "Shock Resistant." DW-5000R is even produced at Yamagata Casio - the "mother factory" of G-SHOCK - where the original model was created.

[2] Numerous indentations on the watch band

While extremely faithful to the original, this model has also been updated with contemporary features such as a high-brightness LED backlight and a bezel and band made with bio-based resin, a material expected to help reduce environmental impact.


[편집자 주] 이 보도자료는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았으며, 연합뉴스의 편집방향과는 무관함을 밝혀 드립니다.

출처 : PRN 보도자료

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